Birthing support for couples

We’re scared of the unknown and how on earth are we supposed to work with the pain? Just know these feelings are all so normal and you are not alone. 

The honest, scientific education gives you everything you need to feel in control, it provides a solid foundation of knowledge that gifts you with a sense of calm confidence - and you’ll have me every step of the way.

Going into labour is something we feel like we can’t control...

Birthing support for couples

We’re scared of the unknown and how on earth are we supposed to work with the pain? Just know these feelings are all so normal and you are not alone. 

The education you receive addresses these concerns and gives you everything you need to feel in control. It provides you with a solid foundation of knowledge that keeps you calm and confident – plus you’ll have me every step of the way.

Going into labour is something we feel like we can’t control...

Work with Nicki

How To:

Strip out birth anxiety and learn calming hypnobirthing techniques alongside:

  • How birth works physiologically
  • How fear impacts birth
  • How we eliminate fear
  • Birth planning and maternity rights
  • Birth partner training to support you as an individual

100% of my Bold Birthers say they felt confident, calm, relaxed and ready for their baby's birth.

Would you like to feel like this too?

Group course: £285 ~ Refresher: £165 ~
121 course: £495 ~ Condensed 121: £300


A wonderful pregnancy meditation and breathwork class to help you fall into a peaceful slumber by building up your oxytocin and endorphins, crucial hormones that keep you and your baby happy and relaxed!

In-person at The Wise Lotus Centre in Letchworth, and online in the comfort of your own home. Many are already in bed, tucked up on the sofa, or even the bath!

Learn to breathe, bond with your baby, and meet like-minded mums to build your village.  

Tickets from £9.


Wow. You did it!

Your little one is here and they love you with every gram, inch, and baby roll. This love is so strong that you may feel overwhelmed and that you don't have any time for yourself whilst you adapt to this new, upgraded identity.

This class gives you (and your baby) a chance to get out the house, have a cuppa, and BREATHE... why not take a moment to appreciate who you are.

An incredible mum.

Bi-weekly Friday classes - £5.


“Oh I’m having a c-section so there’s no point doing a hypnobirthing course…” is something I’ve heard SO many times.

Even with an elected caesarean there are PLENTY of things you can control that make your experience special and unique.  You'll learn:

  • What a caesarean is & who will be there
  • How fear impacts recovery
  • How we eliminate fear
  • Birth planning and maternity rights
  • Birth partner training

Private 121 course from £455.


Did you also know that there several different types of twins? And all these different types means all sorts of options for you?

Whatever the type of twins you are having there are choices.

Vaginal or c-section choices means you still have lots of options to make your birth experience unique, special and tailored to YOU as an individual.

Private 121 course from £445.

Preparation Course

Even if your birth was years ago it can always help to seek some support and potentially closure. Everyone is offered a birth debrief to help understand and reflect on why some decisions were made at certain times.

Most of the time these chats are positive and filled with empowerment of how incredible you and your body are and it’s wonderful to be able to soak in some positivity.

However, certain pot holes, or curve balls may mean you have something to discuss further and understand more. 


birth DEBRIEF chat

Around 30% of all births result in trauma with only 1% being diagnosed with confirmed PTSD. Whilst a terrible statistic it means you are not alone and certainly something you can address when you feel ready.  There are 3 steps to alleviating your feelings:

  1. Hearing your story (not mandatory to share) and understanding changes you would like to feel
  2. Deep relaxation, remembering the event in a particular way whilst feeling safe and secure
  3. Imagining a future where you respond differently

birth TRAUMA

Be seen as an employer of choice for families and a business committed and proven to support diversity and inclusion.

If this is something you would like to discuss, tap the button below to receive a copy of our corporate services brochure.

Multiple maternity packages available.

Corporate Services

Work with Nicki

How to

My positive birth video

Hello Lovely!

Chances are you’re here because you’re expecting a baby, congratulations! But if not, you may also like to talk to someone about your past birth experience.

If so, you’ve come to the right place. I’m Nicki, aka ‘Mother Layton’, your very own birth geek and cheerleader. I’m here to help you prepare for the birth of your baby and support your journey should you ever need someone to talk to.

Whatever your situation, just know you can get in touch any time.