I wanted to feel informed & empowered throughout my pregnancy…
but I had fears that stemmed back to 2004. My best friend was due to have her first baby, and I was so excited to be there for her as her birth partner.
However, when labour began I quickly realised I had no idea what was going on and felt completely helpless. 14 years later, I became pregnant - once the excitement and shock wore off, I was scared of the pain, stressed about the lack of control and incredibly worried about how my husband was going to feel on the day.
As a worrier I really wanted, and needed, to know he was going to be OK so I could do whatever I needed to do. When we started to tell people our pregnancy news, this was the first time the word “hypnobirthing” raised its beautiful, but confusing, head - even strangers on the train to work were telling me about it.
My birth story
The Transformation
With the positive birth stories that started trickling in around hypnobirthing we thought there could be something in it so without asking any questions we found our local instructor and booked straight away and well… the rest is history.
We learned why we feared birth, how we could stay in control, and calming techniques and breathwork not just for the birth of our baby but for the rest of our lives. Skills that I still use today.
We were ready - And when our little one decided to start making his way to us we put our birth preferences into play.’
We went from feeling completely unprepared, with no knowledge of what to expect, and a large portion of anxiety through to calm, relaxed and…well… quite simply, excited. I just couldn’t wait to see what my body was capable of.
And it turns out it really could do incredible things and I went on to have a drug-free birth (twice), not because I had no intention of taking any pain-relief drugs, just because I felt like I didn’t need them. And that’s what hypnobirthing is about, it’s not there to say “don’t take pain-relief drugs” or “have a home birth” - it educates you discover what is important to you as an individual, where you want to do it, and how you want to do it, because understanding your maternity rights is a big part of this too.
tell me about hypnobirthing
tell me about hypnobirthing
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